SMS Large Logo Welcome to the Single Mobility System!

SMS is a web-based computer system that provides visibility of air, sea, and land transportation assets and provides aggregated reporting of cargo and passenger movements. SMS does this by collecting plane, ship, and truck movement data from other computer systems such as IGC, CAMPS, GDSS, JALIS, DTTS, and ANGMU. SMS also provides requirement management and mission building services for the Air Force Reserve.


Upcoming SMS Classes at Scott AFB, Illinois:
Unclassified SMS: 
CY24 Dates: 11 Dec
CY25 Dates: 5 Feb, 16 Apr, 11 Jun, 6 Aug, 22 Oct, 10 Dec (CY26: 11 Feb)
One class per day is offered, 0800-1430 Local in Bldg 1961 Room 102.
Users MUST have an active Unclass SMS account to attend Unclass SMS training.

Classified SMS: 
CY24 Dates: 10 Dec
CY25 Dates: 4 Feb, 15 Apr, 10 Jun, 5 Aug, 21 Oct, 9 Dec (CY26: 10 Feb)
One class per day is offered, 0800-1630 Local in Bldg 1961 Room 102.
Users will be assigned a live Classified training account with all Read and Write privileges required for training.

Want to attend training?
Email SMS Training (
Please add "SMS Training" to email subject line.
(USTRANSCOM personnel, please contact your Training Manager)

22/NOV/2023 - USER HELP

To apply for an Unclassified SMS account:

Go to the following URL click the Get An Account button, and follow the directions.

For SDDC Teams Issues:
Call ETA TEAMS at 1-800-462-2176.

For SMS Account Issues:
Send email to  or call DSN 322-817-9954; COMM 618-817-9954 during normal duty hours (Scott AFB).

For After Duty Hours Help or Trouble Ticket Submission:
Contact the USTRANSCOM Service Desk at DSN (322) 817-6432/Com (618) 817-6432 or email  TRANSCOM Service Desk(

Please be sure to specify "Unclassified Single Mobility System."

Questions about using SMS?
Call the SMS Functionals at DSN 322-817-9954; COMM 618-817-9954 or email: